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Welcome to Oncology

Health Coaching

Supporting your healing journey

I am an Oncology Health Coach who supports individuals facing one of the most challenging health battles – cancer. With a deep understanding of the overwhelming fear and confusion that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis, I work alongside you to navigate the complex maze of conventional treatments, dietary advice, and complimentary wellness strategies.

I support my clients in making informed, intuitive choices and encourage a holistic approach to well-being. This helps prepare you for cancer therapy, improves your quality of life, and promotes a smoother recovery journey.




Oncology Health Coach

How I can help you

  • Personalised lifestyle plans

Providing you with an overall assessment of your terrain health and easy simple tools you can use to enhance your wellbeing.

  • Fasting advice and support

Providing advice to incorporate fasting safely into your lifestyle or planning specifically for treatment.

  • Ketogenic diet support

Whether starting new or enhancing your current diet to ensure you can manage your macronutrients, test, and maintain ketosis effortlessly.

  • Metabolic Health Coaching

Can you improve your blood sugar regulation, are you defieceint in key minerals? Let me guide you to get the support you need to address these.

  • Nutrigenomic Testing

Unlock the secrets of your genes to achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition. Discover which foods and therapeutic diets are best suited to your unique genetic makeup.

Person Walking on Sand

Did you know that fasting can protect your normal cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy while sensitizing cancer cells to the treatment, enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Many clients also report a significant reduction in side effects after treatment.


Did you know cancer cells consume 10 to 15 times more sugar than a healthy cell, that is why a ketogenic diet or low carbohydrate diet is recommended for many cancer patients.


“It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”

― Hippocrates

My services

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Whether you're looking for ways to prevent cancer, have just been diagnosed, are in treatment,

or are post-treatment I can work with you.

Comprehensive Nutrition &

Lifestyle Package & Support

Investment: $395

The best way to start the journey is to get a really good understanding of your current state of metabolic health, lifestyle habits and environmental considerations so I can effectively focus on the key areas most important to you. Includes:

  • Comprehensive background health analysis
  • 2x one-hour consultations

(remote or in-person)

  • Detailed personal lifestyle and nutrition plan

One-on-one coaching

Investment: $135hr/$70 30mins

Focussed on providing advice, support and resources for clients on their cancer journey.

May include:

  • Personalised Treatment Support plans for chemotherapy and radiation
  • Fasting advice and support
  • Ketogenic diet advice and support
  • Lifestyle plans
  • Physical training advice and training plans (coming soon)
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May include:

Oncology Nutrition Support

Investment: Determined on consult

For those looking to start a ketogenic diet, get support to maintain ketosis or support measuring and recipe inspiration. You may want to learn about other low-carb options, fasting and appropriate supplements to support your treatment and recovery.

  • Ketone testing support
  • Fasting plan
  • Recipe ideas
  • Troubleshooting
  • Introduction programs
  • Supplement advice

Coming soon.....

Nutrigenomic Testing

Investment: $

Unlock the secrets of your genes to achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition. Discover which foods and therapeutic diets are best suited to your unique genetic makeup. Our team will guide you through the data presented in the Nutrition Genome report, highlighting the most useful information tailored to your individual needs.

During this two-hour nutrigenomics session, you'll receive a comprehensive analysis of your genes and how they interact with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micronutrients, and other essential elements of digestion, detoxification, stress, and more.

Click here to book


Based in a state of the art facility in Pleasant Grove, Utah, doTERRA continues to work toward achieving its vision of providing all families everywhere with the health-promoting benefits of essential oils.

Check out my dōTERRA website to order your products.

About me

My journey towards good health and wellness has been fuelled by curiosity and exploration. It all began when I joined the army as a young and naive officer many years ago. I served in the New Zealand Army for over 12 years and was fortunate enough to experience the challenges, camaraderie, culture and personal growth. My experiences taught me that health was not just about being physically active and strong. The stress of work, family, sleep patterns, environment and past traumas (to name just a few) all impact an individual's wellness. Unfortunately, standard medical care does not always recognize these influences. As such, my journey became more focused on exploring holistic health and what truly kept people well, happy, and thriving.

I discovered my vocation to support oncology patients after experiencing the loss of a family member to cancer. The tragedy of losing a loved one pushed me to explore and discover the

role metabolic health plays in our wellness, happiness, and longevity. Even simple lifestyle changes can have a really positive impact on health and recovery.

As a wife, mother of two active teenagers and two dogs, I understand how important it is to remain healthy to just keep up. Being able to enjoy family life to the fullest is crucial to our happiness, and I believe this starts with having great health that lasts throughout our lives, enabling us to embrace and enjoy all of life's opportunities.

My journey has now led me to establish 'Shannon Shattock Oncology Health Coaching' so that I can share what I have learned, and provide support and encouragement to my clients.

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Shannon Shattock

Oncology Health Coach

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Remote sessions availalble.

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Copyright Shannon Shattock 2024

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(by appointment only)

Wellness New Zealand,

17 Collingwood Street

The Wood, Nelson 7010

coming soon.............
